James presents a great show featuring music you know and love and plenty of rare and undiscovered tunes to engage your curiosity and love of quality music. Always a fantastic experience and one to treasure. Lots more from James here in archives below.

Always a surprising show. John pulls high quality music from the past and also introduces us to the new music not always available to us, but is nevertheless fantastic and high quality music and perhaps difficult to find. Our independent and individual artists are highly valued and no one pays us to promote their good music – it simply is! Find more from guitarist/producer/writer John here at www.clearbluesky.co.uk

Superstar tracks from Kevin. A wonderful array of sounds to delight your aural senses. Join Kevin for a warm and friendly experience and truly great music.
Kevin Heard on Clear Blue Sky radio!
Great music for friends everywhere!
Kenny Ansted on Clear Blue Sky radio

Show 22 in this fab series, Kenny takes us back to the early years of great rock music. Put on your tie dye and flares – this is 1971!